The Role Of Physiotherapy In Improving Posture

Physiotherapy is a type of health care service that helps you maintain or improve the function of muscles, joints, and other soft tissues. Getting treated by a physiotherapist will help you reduce the pain and improve your overall mobility.

Physiotherapists treat patients who suffer from joint pain, muscle pain, shoulder pain, arthritis, posture issues, neck pain, and fractures. Moreover, they provide rehabilitation services to people who are recovering from an injury or surgery.

Fortunately, there are some exercises that can be performed in order to improve your posture and reduce the pain. Several studies have resulted in the development of some exercises that can really improve poor posture.

We will discuss this further in the article. Before that, there are some topics to be discussed so that you get a better understanding of improving your posture. They are as follows:

  1. What is a good posture?
  2. What will happen if you have poor posture?
  3. Symptoms of Poor Posture
  4. Exercises which can help you improve your posture
  5. Some Extra Tips to Improve and Maintain a Good Posture
  6. Conclusion: The Role Of Physiotherapy In Improving Posture

What is a good posture?

The perfect alignment of your body when you are standing or sitting is called having good posture. The correct posture will help you focus your body weight on your feet. This will prevent any strain on your muscles and joints, thereby maintaining your overall balance.
Bad & Good Posture Positions
Also, in order to keep your body well balanced, you need to keep your head, knees, ankles, hips, spine, and shoulders in proper symmetry, and both sides of your body should be well balanced.

What will happen if you have poor posture?

A bad posture not only affects the appearance but also your overall well-being and mental health. This will result in lack of muscle strength, and instability in the body. A poor posture will result in muscle imbalance, shoulder pain, neck pain, head pain and body pain.

Symptoms of Poor Posture

There are some symptoms of poor posture. They are as follows:

  1. Breathing Difficulty.
  2. Overall Exhaustion.
  3. Lack of flexibility.
  4. Shoulder and Neck Pain.
  5. Regular headaches.
  6. Pain on neck and lower back.
  7. Constant injuries to wrist and hands from playing sports or from doing any active movement.

Exercises which can help you improve your posture

There are some physiotherapy exercises that can be followed in order to overcome any aches or pains. We are listing some of the exercises that can help you improve your poor posture and also let you gain mobility.

These exercises can be expected to be completed in 5 minutes or less. People who are experiencing severe pain can perform these exercises today. The exercises are as follows:

  1. Using a Foam Roller to do an Arch Over.
  2. Hip Flexor Stretch.
  3. Performing Cat Cow Exercise.
  4. A Door Frame Stretch.
  5. Forearm Stretch.
  6. A Neck Stretch.
  7. A Shoulder Blade Stretch.

Some Extra Tips to Improve and Maintain a Good Posture

  1. Always try to maintain a straight posture when you are doing your daily chores.
  2. Not all exercises will improve your posture. Some basic exercises like stretching, mobility training, core strengthening, and yoga can really help.
  3. Keeping your weight in check will help you maintain your overall muscle strength and mental health. Weight gain impairs muscle gain, abdominal strength, spine pain, leg strength, and lower back pain.
  4. Stop Wearing high heels; this can result in a change in overall posture. As most of the stress is focused on your legs to carry you in a different way as compared to you normally walking.
  5. Whether you are working in front of a computer or at any other working location, make sure that the seat is properly positioned for you to sit straight.

Conclusion: The Role Of Physiotherapy In Improving Posture

In conclusion, when you sit ideally for some time, your muscles tend to contract as compared to when you are active. In addition to your joint strength, less muscle mass results in bad posture.

Therefore, if you would like advice and a checkup on your posture and overall well-being, then come visit us at Sagar Clinic. You can call us at 9582379319 or fill out the form below. So that our executives will get back to you and schedule you an appointment.

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